Man And Angels (UBS #2)


Moderator: Rev. Dr. Red

Man And Angels (UBS #2)

Unread postby Rev. Dr. Red » Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:06 am

Man And Angels (UBS #2)

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As stated in "Introduction To “UBS” Study the following is: My opinions posted on this part of the study may or may not be my final feeling on the matter. I’ll be writing (or recording video) as I go, so it’s inevitable that some concepts may not have long enough to settle in my mind so a final thought or feeling can be reached. Some new and non-institutional concepts are going to be introduced, compared to the Bible, looked at with logic, and commented on. Whether or not you agree with these concepts are completely irrelevant. The purpose of this study is not whether you or I agree with the said study or with each other, but to help bring us closer to each other as brethren and ultimately closer to God. Your participation in this study is welcome and will be greatly appreciated.

Once we move on from the mortal world there is much more to learn. We go through a metamorphosis as we near God. But aside of all this studying for the assignment God is going to give us, there will be plenty of time for rest and play. In the middle of studying/working and resting/playing is worship. We will be with many who we know now on Earth, as well as different orders of angelic beings.

Not so different from the Bible? However, this is an extremely simplified summarization. I cannot give further info without pre-maturely revealing the study-source. Anyhow, lets move on.

Everything we experience, everything we go through is a lesson. It all prepares each of us for what is ahead in our future. It is absolutely imperative that we dont just let life pass us by, but to be sure to look beneath the surface. Even in your commute to work are you learning something that at that moment may seem irrelevant, but it will prove to be vital information for a future event. It could be something that strangely stands out, something someone says out of utter randomness, or an act someone does for you.

According to the study-source, when we leave Earthly life we go into a slumber. We awaken in the next phase and a new body, a part-physical, part-spirit body. When this happens, it is considered resurrection, as we have survived mortal or physical death and live on.

The above was more or less a continuation of [UBS #1]. It was in the same section of the book. But it took me 1 1/2weeks to complete it. In order to keep with my weekly posts, I posted what I had. Now I am in the next section. Below as well as [UBS #3] will be from this next section.

Sometimes beings, human and spiritual, find it hard to envisage the Father in the Son, which leads to rebellion and ultimately sin. The best way to avoid this is to hold onto the idea and fact that the Father and Son are one. Whoever sees the Son sees the Father. If you see the Son, you are also seeing the Father. The Father is everywhere at all times. Physically on His residence in the heavens, spiritually within each of us and the spiritual beings. At all times He knows what the needs of creation are, and takes care of it through creation itself. He acts through his angelic beings as well as us.

God has a plan for each of us. All of us have a purpose. Many may not see that purpose, or realize that the purpose is being lived out. But it nonetheless exists. So long as we have trust and faith in God, our purpose will be revealed and lived.

The Son and Spirit together rule over the individual universes. However, it is only the Son that can save a world from evil and sin. Upon the Son visiting such a world in an attempt to save it from evil and sin, is the Son glorified and is He recognized as the authority of that universe and all other beings, including the Spirit, viewed as subordinate to the Son. Though the Son always views the Spirit as co-equal and co-administrator of the universe. In so doing, the Son ordered all beings operating in this universe to treat the Spirit as such. It is this union and declaration of equality that began what we call marriage and the order of the family. Man and woman marry as co-equal, co-administrators of their household and family. All children of this union are to equally respect each parent. What one parent says, so has the other.

The study-source refers to Gabriel as the “Bright and Morning Star” and the commander-in-chief of the “armies of heaven”. Gabriel is the first son of the Son and the Spirit of our universe. He is equal in authority and power to both the Son and Spirit, but he is unable to create. Creation is left to the Son and Spirit. The “Brilliant Evening Stars” are an order overseen by Gabriel.

The study-source is suggestive to the point that primitive man has confused the teachings and combined many beings into one person or being. All the way upto and including Jesus. By the time of Jesus’ Ascension and Pauls ministry, Paul had already begun twisting and re-falsifying everything that Jesus had taught and corrected. There are some truths in Pauls teachings, but they are inter-woven with confusion and fallacies.

{From what I’m seeing in various online communities that use said study-source, such confusuon and fallacies are existant even today. It’s truly quite amazing how hard it is for mankind to agree on the teaching of any one religious text}

All mortals suffer death of the physical body. After physical-death we are judged to determine whether or not we are deservant of eternal life. If so, we move on in adventure to find God. If denied, we suffer true death, eternal death. We cease to exist.

The Holy Spirit is defaulted in its capabilities in the individual. The more faith an individual has, and the more closely the individual lives in Gods laws, the more the individual will experience the Holy Spirit. If you want to experience the Holy Spirit to the highest possible experience, you must live as close to God, be as obedient as possible to God, as you can.

Man struggles between flesh and spirit because of the fall of Adam and Eve. We were meant to be more spiritually intune to the spiritual. But we are not due to the fall. This fall is the cause of all the spiritual confusion that currently exists.
Despite such confusion, Jesus taught us how to live. He showed us how to overcome this confusion and be more spiritually in tune.

According to the study-source in the times of Abraham we were in an extremely dark age, spiritually speaking. The angelic beings felt that if something wasnt done the Light of Life may extinguish. To answer this Melchizedek of the Order of Melchizedek was sent down to Earth to attempt to keep Truth alive. He passed on Truth to Abraham and his associates.

All who rebel against God are always welcome to return to God. However, the angelic beings that rebelled, upon returning to God, are not permitted to return to their original position of power and authority. Faulted angelic-beings that return to God are forever stationed to lower positions than that of what they held prior to rebelling.

Upon moving on from Earth, providing we survive mortal death, we are no longer “sex-creatures”. We will no longer be given in marriage, partake in sexual relationships, and the like. We will be as the angels are in heaven. We will not be able to die either, as death is percieved in mans mind.

The Seraphim are the order of angels that are sent to be with us in our journey. They love mans efforts in art, music, and humor. They are fully aware of our emotions and spiritual troubles. They however are not sex-emotion creatures. They are considered by feminine pronouns in the heavens because they originate from the Spirit. All beings from the Father and Son are considered Sons of God, beings from the Spirit as Daughters of God. Seraphim are able to operate in the spiritual and literal worlds. Seraphim make up the “armies of heaven”.

Cherubim are much like the Seraphim, but of a lower order of angel. Cherubim are the assistants of the Seraphim. Some Cherubim are also assigned as “Guardians of Destiny” to mortal beings.

How we live our lives on Earth is very important. Everything we experience is ultimately a learning experience. Right down to our work, our careers; it is not that our career itself is important but how we work.
The keys to heaven is sincerity. We use these keys by the decisions we make. The highest possible moral choice is to choose the will of God.

Adam and Eve are referred to as a Material Son and Daughter. Their residence known as the Garden of Eden. There is an order of Material Sons and Daughters (Adams and Eves) that visit each inhabited world. Their visitation is to upstep the biological evolution of mankind. This is done by mixing their superior life plasm with ours. The Seraphim that accompany Adam and Eve are referred to as the “Voices of the Garden”.

The seraphic Souls of Peace are the beings that help along the brotherhood of mankind and bring about peace. This process on our world has been delayed, unfortunately, due to the Lucifer Rebellion. It is also this order that helps the realization of divine attunement as opposed to atonement.

In mans mind, angels are percieved to have wings. According to the study-source, these wings are energy insulators – friction shields.

We can consider ourselves “sons of God”, or more commonly “children of God” because of the following:
We believe in the reality of our sonship, and thus it makes this fact eternally real that we are sons of God;
Jesus, the Son of God, came down to live as one of us. He is our brother. When we accept His spirit, we accept the Spirit, and thus become His brother and a son of God;
The Spirit has been poured out over all of us;
Our personality and free will was given us by God;
We have indwelled in us a fragment of the Father which makes us related to the Father.

There is an intense mention of science in this area of the study-source that I am not even going to attempt to summarize. When the study-source is revealed at the end of the study, you will have to read it for yourself.

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MENU - Other Study-Posts:
Introduction To “UBS” Study
Where Is God (UBS #1)
Man And Angels (UBS #2)
Introduction to Man, Adam and Eve; And the Lucifer Rebellion (UBS #3)
Creation & Origin of Man (UBS #4)
Evolution of Civilization (UBS #5)



ImageAbout Rev. Dr. Red

Minister, Public Speaker, Founder/Sr. Pastor of Spiritual Messiah Ministries, Founder of Spiritual Truth Movement & Coalition and Truth Storm, Co-Founder of Christians United For Christ.



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