Time to Start Preoccupying Wall Street By Lawrence Weschler

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Time to Start Preoccupying Wall Street By Lawrence Weschler

Unread postby Paul Kemp » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:43 am


Time to Start Preoccupying Wall Street
Posted on Dec 9, 2011
By Lawrence Weschler

Tyrannies all over the world—and here I include the tyranny of the market that the proponents of unfettered capitalism (which is to say, by and large, the system’s increasingly concentrated winners and all those handsomely paid-off apologists and retainers they regularly choose to hide behind)—exist in the ironclad certainty that people are nothing more than meat on sticks. Anything that their subordinates, their inferiors, their underlings are or have beyond that exists at the sheerest whim of the regime. Indeed, the notion that human beings have absolute rights simply by virtue of their humanity—the right, for instance, not to be tortured, on the one hand; or to secure lodging, decent livelihoods, adequate health care and so forth, on the other—arises initially as a wild, untethered assertion in the face of eons of stark evidence to the contrary. But it is a magical assertion...........more

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Paul Kemp
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