The 144,000 by Ernest Moyer

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The 144,000 by Ernest Moyer

Unread postby epmoyer » Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:00 am

The 144,000
by: EPMoyer
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Introductory Remarks

In the late summer of 1988 a Jehovah's Witness lady appeared at my door, together with her beautiful 18-year old daughter. I welcomed the two into my home and, because of my knowledge of celestial affairs through the Urantia Papers, began a very civilized and gracious conversation. The idea of the 144,000 is particularly appealing to the Jehovah's Witness. They have a long history of speculation concerning this unusual group of people. Our conversation naturally led in that direction. Of course I did not espouse the foolish notions of that religion but I was attracted to the peculiar theory they presented. After they left I was sitting in my living room, when it suddenly dawned on me what the 144,000 meant.

The 144,000 were part of a new genetic program for this world.

This insight came because I was aware of several elements of human genetic problems facing this world. But without integration from the revelation of the Urantia Papers, the revelations from the Bible, our world history, and events unfolding on our world today, I would not have been able to piece together what the 144,000 meant. This was a complex problem that included the following elements:

1. I knew from the Urantia Papers that our genetic program was disrupted with the default of Adam and Eve.

2. I knew from the Urantia Papers and the Bible that Abraham had been specially chosen for a new genetic program. Gen 15:5 -- He took him outside and said, "Look up at the heavens and count the stars — if indeed you can count them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring be."

3. I knew from the Urantia Papers, from the Bible, and from historic evidence, that Abraham carried genetic characteristics that marked a special blood stock. This was notable in that the biblical name Adam literally meant Red and that Abraham and his family were distinguished for their red colored physiques. This fact is indicated on page 514 - §4 12: Moses was the emancipator of a remnant of the submerged violet race.4. I knew from the Bible and from historic evidence that the children of Abraham had been scattered throughout Europe, but had lost contact with their genetic identity and their religious roots. In their migrations they became interbred with the native blood stock of Europe, perhaps with a strong portion of the Blue man, and thus reduced their genetic qualities, while adding to the quality of those blood stocks.

5. This mixture and reduction in genetic qualities, while adding to the native stocks of Europe, had diluted the Adamic blood to the point that it could no longer be used to attain to the higher qualities normally associated with regular Adamic seed.

6. I knew from the Urantia Papers that if an emergency situation should face a planet a standby world would have been created as a buffer for that emergency. Once a race is begun on a planet, it must continue, on that world, or on the emergency world. P.582 - §3 The evolution of a human race, once initiated on a world of space, must proceed quite independently of the physical survival of that planet.7. While this passage speaks of an entire planet, the technique could be applied to a partial population, or some other management of genetic seed. I knew that portions of the human race could be taken from the planet Earth to that emergency world, if a significant emergency faced the our planet.

8. I also knew from ancient prophecy and from the Urantia Papers that this world would not be destroyed, that it had a bright future before it. II Baruch 4:1 And the Lord said unto me: "This city shall be delivered up for a time, and the people shall be chastened during a time, but the world will not be given over to oblivion."9. I recognized that if a nuclear holocaust should occur it might damage the genetic qualities of the survivors. Recent studies have shown that physical trauma in one generation can affect the physical status in a subsequent generation of descendants. See PBS Nova program, Sept 2009 on epigenomes.

10. I also recognized that we were greatly in arrears in the normal planetary schedule, including the genetic program, and that actions were being taken to recover from that delay.

11. A key revelation in the ancient Book of Enoch indicated that genetic seed might come down from heaven to help uplift the surviving human race. See 39:1-2.
12. From several studies published about our Celestial Visitors I knew that unborn babies were being rescued from this world and taken away to some other place. I assumed that other place was the emergency world. This information came to us from Budd Hopkins, an artist who had devoted his time to investigation into these extraordinary transactions and had been published by him in Missing Time, 1981, and Intruders, 1987. As part of this knowledge I also knew that one modern human being had been taken away to the Headquarters world of Salvington, Betty Andreasson Luca, reported in The Andreasson Affair by Raymond Fowler. Her report had many parallels with the man who wrote the ancient Book of Enoch. A natural conclusion from this information was that a very unusual state of affairs now faced our planet and our planetary knowledge. (Later information published by David Jacobs in Secret Life, and John Mack in Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens confirmed my hypothesis.)

13. This meant that our Planetary Supervisors were conducting a program to preserve genetic seed, an action intended to escape the effects of nuclear radiation.

14. If I combined the information from Item 11 through 13 I might understand why segments of the current races would be rescued for contribution to that genetic program. This would be the 144,000.

The Default of Adam and Eve

P.843 - §4 It was in the despair of the realization of failure that Adam, the day after Eve's misstep, sought out Laotta, the brilliant Nodite woman who was head of the western schools of the Garden, and with premeditation committed the folly of Eve. But do not misunderstand; Adam was not beguiled; he knew exactly what he was about; he deliberately chose to share the fate of Eve. He loved his mate with a supermortal affection, and the thought of the possibility of a lonely vigil on Urantia without her was more than he could endure.

The Spread of Adamic Blood

P.868 - §1 The second Eden was the cradle of civilization for almost thirty thousand years. Here in Mesopotamia the Adamic peoples held forth, sending out their progeny to the ends of the earth, and latterly, as amalgamated with the Nodite and Sangik tribes, were known as the Andites. From this region went those men and women who initiated the doings of historic times, and who have so enormously accelerated cultural progress on Urantia.

Group Consanguineous Mating

P.918 - §4 Superior groups, when isolated, always reverted to consanguineous mating. The Nodites for over one hundred and fifty thousand years were one of the great in-marriage groups. The later-day in-marriage mores were tremendously influenced by the traditions of the violet race, in which, at first, matings were, perforce, between brother and sister. And brother and sister marriages were common in early Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, and throughout the lands once occupied by the Andites. The Egyptians long practiced brother and sister marriages in an effort to keep the royal blood pure, a custom which persisted even longer in Persia. Among the Mesopotamians, before the days of Abraham, cousin marriages were obligatory; cousins had prior marriage rights to cousins. Abraham himself married his half sister, but such unions were not allowed under the later mores of the Jews.

I have tabulated some of these close blood marriage practices among the ancient Egyptians. See

I have listed close blood marriage practices at other places around the Mediterranean, including among the Hebrews, and down into modern times. See
These practices were all among the descendents of Adam and Eve. The later nobility of Europe consciously knew they were attempting to preserve blood lines by consanguineous mating.

Abraham's Peculiar Blood

The Hebrew name for Adam was Adom. We anglicized the pronunciation into Adam.

The Hebrew word for red is adom.

A list of words shows the meaning of this root word, and its many derivatives. For convenience of lay readers I offer dictionary numbers from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, but equivalents can be found in the Hebrew and English Lexicon of the old Testament by Brown, Driver and Briggs.

119: adam -- To show blood, flush.
122: adom -- Rosy, red, ruddy.
124: odem -- Redness, ruby, garnet.
127: adamah -- Soil, for its redness.
131: adumim -- Red spots, a place in Palestine.
125: adamdam -- (A doublet) Reddish.
123: edom -- Red, for Edom, the son of Isaac.
1818: dam -- (With loss of "a" prefix.) Blood.

Brown, Driver and Briggs also show Assyrian adamu for "tawny." They show Akkadian adamatu in the same red-name associations. The Semitic Akkadian Adamatu were known as "red-skins." The Semitic Akkadians were descended from Adam. They probably were part of the genetic blood stock from the Andites.

This characteristic skin color was carried on down through the millennia from Adam by way of the Andites to the time of Abraham.

When we pronounce Adam's name we say literally, Red.

According to the story in Gen 25:29-34 Isaac's eldest twin son Esau picked up the nickname Edom = Red because he was famished from hunting in the field and wanted the red (adom) stew his younger twin brother Jacob was making. For this favor Jacob (Israel) demanded his older brother's birthright. Jacob later became the father of the Hebrew tribes. Edom is really the name Adom with very slight change in vowel sound. He was descended from a forefather named Adom = Red, as was his brother Jacob, his father Isaac before him, his grandfather Abraham before that, and on back to that original parent named Red.

The story of Esau's nickname in Genesis is a folk tale devised by later scribes to offer a common explanation they understood. Esau's descendants, the Edomites, were described literally by their name, Red Men.

If we accept the literal meaning of the Hebrew word then Adam was the Red One. Benai Adam are the sons of the Red One, the sons of Israel. This phrase is found throughout the OT. As for Adam:

". . . there was no Red One to till the ground." God formed "Red out of the dust of the earth."

Genetic Connections to the Red Heads of Egypt

As we know from the Urantia Papers Abraham was related to the ruling classes of Egypt.

P.1019 - §4 Not long after they had established themselves near Salem, Abraham and Lot journeyed to the valley of the Nile to obtain food supplies as there was then a drought in Palestine. During his brief sojourn in Egypt Abraham found a distant relative on the Egyptian throne, and he served as the commander of two very successful military expeditions for this king. During the latter part of his sojourn on the Nile he and his wife, Sarah, lived at court, and when leaving Egypt, he was given a share of the spoils of his military campaigns.

Egypt ruling classes also possessed this red skin color. See the difference in the marriage of the red-skinned Prince Rahotep to the white-skinned Princess Norfret. These amazing statues were created around 3,000 BC, a thousand years before Abraham. Note the use of quartz crystals for their eyes, an ability never since repeated.

This red or ruddy skin color among the royalty of Egypt carried on down to the time of Rameses II and the time of Moses.

Genetic Connections to the Phoenicians

But Abraham's red skin color also carried on down among the Hebrew people.

Two other biblical names show connection to red colors and dye stuffs. These two names come from two sons of Issachar, forefather of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The first is Tola, Gen 46:13, Num 26:23, I Chron 7:1, Judges 10:1. Tola means crimson, from the crimson grub worm. The second is Pua, brother of Tola. Pua means madder, after the red dye obtained from the dried roots of the herbaceous climbing plant Rubis tinctorum. As Edom reflected the red or ruddy color of the Semites so Tola and Pua also reflected this skin color in their names.

But the connection to Pua is even more fascinating when we examine his name, its use in the Bible, and the origins of the Phoenicians.

In Hebrew the family of Pua were called ha-Puni, literally "The Puni." We know them commonly in English as "The Punites," Num 26:23. They lived in northern Palestine near the territory of the Phoenicians. After the conquest of Canaan the tribes were allocated lands that included part of those known historically as Phoenicia, modern Lebanon. According to the biblical account, the tribe of Asher was spread along the coast from the city of Dor north beyond Tyre. The tribe of Issachar was located inland less than twenty-five miles east, along the Jordan river.

We should remember that the tribes had difficulty locating. The tribe of Dan had trouble securing settlements along the coast; some migrated northward to Laish near Asher and Naphtali. The tribe of Manasseh was split between two different territories. Portions of the Puni (ha-puni) could easily have settled along the coast in what later became identified as Phoenicia.

I point out here that the "Phoenician-Canaanites" who earlier occupied that coast were part of the third millennium Iberi migrations, just as Abraham came out of those migrations through Ur.

Therefore, when the Israelite tribes settled in the "promised" land they were mixing with close Semite relatives. According to Gen 10:18-19 "the families of the Canaanites spread abroad. And the territory of the Canaanites extended from Sidon, in the direction of Gerar, as far as Gaza . . ." According to Number 13:29 they dwelt along the (Mediterranean) sea and the Jordan river. Repeated references show these Canaanites scattered throughout the "promised" land. Mixing with the "pagan" Canaanites was strongly condemned but nevertheless went on pervasively. See Gen 24:3, 36:2, and so on. It was easy for the Hebrew people to mix with their blood relatives; the condemnation was in betrayal of their loyalty to Yahweh.

The Hebrew name Puni is striking because it is the same as the Roman name for the colonists of Carthage, the Poeni or Puni. Historically, the Puni (Punics) are recognized as Phoenician people; the Punic colonies of Carthage and other cities of the Mediterranean were settled by the Phoenicians. The Romans fought with the Puni Carthaginians in the Punic wars. Thus there is a direct and explicit connection between a Hebrew tribal family name and the Phoenician name, both denoting the purplish-red color. The close proximity of the tribe of Issachar to Phoenicia, together with the Puni name, shows the two were of one blended blood. The later Phoenicians were actually mixed people from the earlier Iberi migrations interbreeding with the Hebrew tribe descended from Issachar, one of the tribes of Israel. Through this interbreeding they picked up the Puni name from the son of Issachar.

Other evidence shows this direct blood connection between the Phoenicians and the Hebrew tribes. Phoenician folk mythologies say they originally came from the region of the Red Sea, the location of the Hebrew tribes during their wandering in the wilderness of Sinai. We now have an explanation for this mysterious memory.

The Puni probably lost their sentimental and religious connection with the Hebrew tribes because they became pagan; they chased after the Ashteroth, the pagan practices of the Canaanite people, Judges 2:11-13. They went after the gods of Tyre and Sidon, Judges 10:6. They forsook their allegiance to Yahweh. As a result they were ostracized by the remaining Hebrew tribes.

(The Phoenician traditions of Phoenix as their red-colored ancestor may be a confusion between Pua and Adam. In both cases the ancestor is remembered for his red skin. As generations pass memories become confused; the name Puni (into Greek Phoenix) probably replaced Adam as the source of that original fatherhood. The tradition stated he was a god; the god designations found among the Haberi/Iberi texts may have carried over into the Phoenician traditions.)

The red skin of the Hebrew people carried on down to the time of David.

1 Sam 16:12 -- So he sent and had him brought in. He was ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features.

1 Sam 17:42-43 -- He looked David over and saw that he was only a boy, ruddy and handsome, and he despised him.

Lam 4:7 -- Their princes were brighter than snow and whiter than milk, their bodies more ruddy than rubies, their appearance like sapphires.

Genetic Connections to the Red Heads of Asia

(Please note that in the following discussion I have borrowed heavily from presentations available on the Internet. Photographs together with discussion by Clifford Coonan may be found at:


In 1987, Victor Mair, a professor of Chinese at the University of Pennsylvania, was leading a tour group through a museum in the Chinese city of Urumqi, in the central Asian province of Xinjiang, when he accidentally strayed into a gloomy, newly opened room. There, under glass, lay the recently discovered corpses of a family--a man, a woman, and a child of two or three--each clad in long, dark purple woolen garments and felt boots. "Even today I get chills thinking about that first encounter," says Mair. "The Chinese said they were 3,000 years old, yet the bodies looked as if they were buried yesterday."

But the real shock came when Mair looked closely at their faces. In contrast to most central Asian peoples, these corpses had obvious Caucasian, or European, features--blond hair, long noses, deep-set eyes, and long skulls. "I was thunderstruck," Mair recalls. "Even though I was supposed to be leading a tour group, I just couldn't leave that room. He looked like my brother Dave sleeping there, and that's what really got me. Lying there with his eyes closed. The questions kept nagging at me: Who were these people? How did they get out here at such an early date?"

The corpses Mair saw that day were just a few of more than 100 dug up by Chinese archeologists over the past 16 years. All of them are astonishingly well preserved. They come from four major burial sites scattered between the arid foothills of the Tian Shan ("Celestial Mountains") in northwest China and the fringes of the Taklimakan Desert, some 150 miles due south. All together, these bodies, dating from about 2000 B.C. to 300 B.C., constitute a significant addition to the world's catalog of prehistoric mummies. Unlike the roughly contemporaneous mummies of ancient Egypt, the Xinjiang mummies were not rulers or nobles; they were not interred in pyramids or other such monuments, nor were they subjected to deliberate mummification procedures. They were preserved merely by being buried in the parched, stony desert, where daytime temperatures often soar over 100 degrees. In the heat the bodies quickly dried, with facial hair, skin, and other tissues remaining largely intact. (The mummification in dry sand or salty soil was the same in both Egypt and the Taklimakan Desert, and both date to equal antiquity. Here the author of this writing seems unaware of the thousands of mummies from Egypt, buried in cemeteries, who were not royal burials, and who were mummified in the dry Egyptian sands through the same dehydration as in Taklimakan.)

The woolen garments worn by the mummies may provide some clue to where exactly the Xinjiang people came from. A sample of cloth brought back by Mair was examined by University of Pennsylvania anthropologist Irene Good, a specialist in early Eurasian textiles. Examining the cloth under a low-power microscope, she saw that the material was not, strictly speaking, wool at all. Wool comes from the undercoat of a sheep; this material appeared to have been spun from the coarse outer hair (called kemp) of a sheep or goat. Despite the crudeness of the fibers, they were carefully dyed green, blue, and brown to make a plaid design. They were also woven in a diagonal twill pattern that indicated the use of a sophisticated loom. The overall technique, Good said, is "characteristically European" and, she says, the textile is "the easternmost known example of this kind of weaving technique." Similar textile fragments, she notes, have been recovered from roughly the same time period at sites in Germany, Austria, and Scandinavia. (A plaid design is any fabric woven of differently colored yarns in a cross-barred pattern, also known as tartan.)

Many of the mummies have been found in very good condition, owing to the dryness of the desert and the desiccation of the corpses it induced. The mummies share many typical Caucasoid body features (elongated bodies, angular faces, recessed eyes), and many of them have their hair physically intact, ranging in color from blond to red to deep brown, and generally long, curly and braided. Their costumes, and especially textiles, indicate a common origin with Indo-European neolithic clothing techniques. Cherchan man (Mair's discovery) wore a red twill tunic and tartan leggings. Textile expert Elizabeth Wayland Barber, who examined the tartan-style cloth, claims it can be traced back to Anatolia, the Caucasus and the steppe area north of the Black Sea

A believer in the "inter-relatedness of all human communities", Professor Mair resists attempts to impose a theory of a unique people arriving in Xinjiang, and believes rather that the early Europeans headed in different directions, some traveling west to become the Celts in Britain and Ireland, others taking a northern route to become the Germanic tribes, and then another offshoot heading east and ending up in Xinjiang. In other words, Mair would place these people in the same genetic group as the Celts of Europe. Judging from his writings, he apparently is unaware of the red-Celtic connections to the Hebrew tribes.

A team of Chinese and American researchers working in Sweden tested DNA from 52 separate mummies, including the mummy denoted "Beauty of Loulan." By genetically mapping the mummies' origins, the researchers confirmed the theory that these mummies were of West Eurasian descent.

An earlier study by Jilin University had found an mtDNA haplotype characteristic of Western Eurasian populations with Europoid genes.

(Europoid, also known misleadingly as Caucasoid, is a major variety of Homo sapiens sapiens. It forms the basis of the so-called white race, even if almost no individuals have true white skin. The Europid variety has fair skin, from pinkish white to light brown. Hair is wavy of curly, seldom straight, and never frizzly; its color ranges from a whitish blond to coal black; the iris color is variable too.)

Another hint of outside connections struck Mair as he roamed across Qizilchoqa. Crossing an unexcavated grave, he stumbled upon an exposed piece of wood, which he quickly realized had once belonged to a wagon wheel. The wheel was made in a simple but distinctive way, by doweling together three carved, parallel wooden planks. This style of wheel is significant: wagons with nearly identical wheels are known from the grassy plains of the Ukraine from as far back as 3000 B.C.

A number of artifacts recovered from the Xinjiang burials provide important evidence for early horse riding. Qizilchoqa yielded a wooden bit and leather reins, a horse whip consisting of a single strip of leather attached to a wooden handle, and a wooden cheek piece with leather straps. This last object was decorated with an image of the sun that was probably religious in nature and that was also found tattooed on some of the mummies. And at Subashi, archeologists discovered a padded leather saddle of exquisite workmanship.

Intriguingly, evidence of a long-extinct language belonging to the Indo-European family does exist in central Asia. This language, known as Tocharian, is recorded in manuscripts from the eighth century A.D., and solid evidence for its existence can be found as far back as the third century. Tocharian inscriptions from this period are also found painted in caves in the foothills of the mountains west of Urumqi, along with paintings of swashbuckling knights wielding long swords. The knights are depicted with full red beards and European faces. Could the Xinjiang people have been their ancestors, speaking an early version of Tocharian? "My guess is that they would have been speaking some form of Indo-European," comments Don Ringe, a historical linguist at the University of Pennsylvania, "but whether it was an early form of Tocharian or some other branch of the family, such as Indo-Iranian, we may never know for sure."

Perhaps a highly distinctive language would help explain why the Xinjiang people's distinctive appearance and culture persisted over so many centuries. Eventually they might well have assimilated with the local population--the major ethnic group in the area today, the Uygur, includes people with unusually fair hair and complexions. That possibility will soon be investigated when Mair, Francalacci, and their Chinese colleagues compare DNA from ancient mummy tissue with blood and hair samples from local people.

The new finds are also forcing a reexamination of old Chinese books that describe historical or legendary figures of great height, with deep-set blue or green eyes, long noses, full beards, and red or blond hair. Scholars have traditionally scoffed at these accounts, but it now seems that they may be accurate.

This study confirms the assertion of Chinese physical anthropologist, Han Kangxin [1998] that the occupants of Alwighul and Kroran are not derived from proto-European steppe populations, but share closest affinities with Eastern Mediterranean populations. Further, the results demonstrate that such Eastern Mediterranean's may also be found at the urban centers of the Oxus civilization located in the north Bactrian oasis to the west. Affinities are especially close between Kroran, the latest of the Xinjiang samples, and Sapalli, the earliest of the Bactrian samples, while Alwighul and later samples from Bactria exhibit more distant phenetic affinities. This pattern may reflect a possible major shift in interregional contacts in Central Asia in the early centuries of the second millennium BCE.

Pliny the Elder, (Chap XXIV "Taprobane") reports a curious description of the Seres (in the territories of northwestern China) made by an embassy from Taprobane (Ceylon) to Emperor Claudius, saying that they "exceeded the ordinary human height, had flaxen hair, and blue eyes, and made an uncouth sort of noise by way of talking", suggesting they may be referring to the ancient Caucasian populations of the Tarim Basin.


The Haberi-Iberi of the Near East

Throughout the Near East are traces of groups of people with the same Iberi tribal name. See my discussions on the Haberu-Iberi.

Abraham was part of this tribal identification. Therefore we cannot believe that the Abraham tribal identification was unique but that it was part of an older tribal affinity, and that this older genetic affinity were descended from the Andites. The possibility exists that the Iberi people were Andites, and that their tribal name (in Hebrew linguistic form) came directly from Adam.

Genetic Connections to the Celtic People of Europe

In a book I call the Legacy of Adam and Eve I detail the legacy of our forefather, Abraham. All the white people of Europe have his blood in their veins. It came there from the migrations of the lost ten tribes of Israel who were scattered throughout Europe. Our ancestors are remembered by us in three major influences: the Iberi, the Galli, and the Kimmeri.

The Hebrew name in Hebrew is pronounced Ibri, or Iberi. It is still remembered in Spain and her colonies as the Iberians.

The name comes from a Hebrew root, Ibri = to pass or to cross.

The Galli are remembered as the Kelts of Europe. Through slight linguistic transformation the Galli became the Kelts. The name is especially obvious in a former French Prime Minister, Charles de Gaulle.

The name comes from a Hebrew root, Ga'al = to redeem.

The Kumbri were remembered as tribes who migrated across Europe. From historic memory they were in eastern and central Europe, but are still remembered in the folk origin tales of the Welsh people of the British Isles, who know themselves as Kumri.

The name comes from a Hebrew root, khamar = to be red.

The Promises of the Twelve Tribes

Numerous passages attest to the existence of the "twelve Tribes." They have now blended into the general peoples of Europe and their descendants scattered across the globe.

P.1020 - §6 And Melchizedek made a formal covenant with Abraham at Salem. Said he to Abraham: "Look now up to the heavens and number the stars if you are able; so numerous shall your seed be." And Abraham believed Melchizedek, "and it was counted to him for righteousness." And then Melchizedek told Abraham the story of the future occupation of Canaan by his offspring after their sojourn in Egypt.

Gen 15:5-6
And he brought him outside and said, "Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them." Then he said to him, "So shall your descendants be." And he believed the Lord; and he reckoned it to him as righteousness.

Gen 49:28
All these are the twelve tribes of Israel, and this is what their father said to them when he blessed them, giving each the blessing appropriate to him.

Ex 24:4-5
He got up early the next morning and built an altar at the foot of the mountain and set up twelve stone pillars representing the twelve tribes of Israel.

Ex 39:14
There were twelve stones, one for each of the names of the sons of Israel, each engraved like a seal with the name of one of the twelve tribes.

Ezek 47:13-14
This is what the Sovereign Lord says: "These are the boundaries by which you are to divide the land for an inheritance among the twelve tribes of Israel, with two portions for Joseph. You are to divide it equally among them. Because I swore with uplifted hand to give it to your forefathers, this land will become your inheritance. (Yet awaited.)

Matt 19:28-29
Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

Acts 26:6-8
This is the promise our twelve tribes are hoping to see fulfilled as they earnestly serve God day and night. O king, it is because of this hope that the Jews are accusing me.

James 1:1
James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ: To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations.

Rev 21:12-13
It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. (Yet awaited.)

The Salvage of the 144,000

The Book of Revelation, Chapter 7, verses 1-8, specifies the 144,000, twelve thousand from each of the twelve tribe of Israel.

Rev 7:3-8
"Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God." Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.
From the tribe of Judah 12,000 were sealed,
from the tribe of Reuben 12,000,
from the tribe of Gad 12,000,
from the tribe of Asher 12,000,
from the tribe of Naphtali 12,000,
from the tribe of Manasseh 12,000,
from the tribe of Simeon 12,000,
from the tribe of Levi 12,000,
from the tribe of Issachar 12,000,
from the tribe of Zebulun 12,000,
from the tribe of Joseph 12,000,
from the tribe of Benjamin 12,000.

Since we know that the ten tribes were scattered throughout Europe, and thoroughly blended in the process, this list could only be symbolic. Similarly, the tribes of Judah and Benjamin have lost their identity over the intervening two thousand years.

The important concept coming out of the passage is the broad and inclusive descendants of Jacob. Anyone who is descended from him is part of this group.

This command comes prior to the nuclear holocaust. Placing a seal upon this group probably means giving them protection. "Harming the land, sea, and trees" probably means the nuclear holocaust. How much of this warning includes the great earth geophysical changes we cannot say, but it is doubtful they would be allowed to suffer through that trauma.

Rev 14:1-5
Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads. And I heard a sound from heaven like the roar of rushing waters and like a loud peal of thunder. The sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps. And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they kept themselves pure. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among men and offered as first fruits to God and the Lamb. No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.

We see here that the 144,000 are on "Mt. Zion," meaning a celestial sphere, but we would not extend that idea to the headquarter world of Christ Michael. "Mt. Zion" probably means another world designed specifically for this mission.

Here we have an explicit statement of rescue from the planet. The 144,000 will be redeemed from the earth.

We also have adulteration of the revelation. Defiling themselves with women, keeping themselves pure, no lie was found in their mouths, and they are blameless, are all statements of moral purity which may be attempts to describe the moral quality of this group of people.

The new song is their praises to God and his Angels of the wonder of their rescue from the earth, and the new program of planetary rehabilitation. The remaining residents of this earth probably would not be able to learn that song.

This rescue is also described in the Gospel of Matthew. This text, along with remarks made by Paul in his letters, has led to wild speculation of a Rapture, but such hope is contrary to the express descriptions of the future of this world.

Matt 24:30-31

"At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

The elect in this case are those who have been reserved for this rescue. This is a world-wide rescue, for all who qualify. As the seraphic transports appear in the sky all the nations of the earth will mourn that they must remain with the horrors of the final conflagration.

The vehicles used for this rescue have been explicitly described. The two most important human personalities are Betty Andreasson Luca, and Daniel Fry. Refer to the descriptions:

The remainder of Matt 24, down to the end of the chapter in verse 51, is a detail of the world circumstances and the frame of mind that is required for His people to understand.

A major question is the exact timing of this rescue. Does it come after the elect have decided to escape to islands of safety but before the nuclear holocaust, or after the nuclear holocaust, but before the twisting of the earth? When would the elect know to make a decision to flee to islands of safety?

Many may decide to flee when the Caligastia Tribulation breaks out, but before the nuclear holocaust. In my opinion only the more aware planetary citizens would attempt to flee from that Tribulation. Unfortunately, the Caligastia Tribulation may appear all around the globe. Where would be islands of safety?

Thus I am reduced to the conclusion that virtually all of the elect will postpone decisions until after the resurrection of the Two Witnesses. See:

That resurrection event will be so dramatic that the Tribulation brought on by the Devil's agents probably will cease. What logic on allegiance to the Devil can stand in the face of that event? Therefore, dead religious silence will ensue, except for the enmity among the nations. Now comes an interlude of decision time. Now is the time when God's people will decide to flee to islands of safety. We do not know how long that interlude will exist before the nations let loose their final conflagration. But in that brief window God's people must flee.

If the rescue comes after the nuclear holocaust the elect may be genetically damaged. We are so grossly ignorant of the path of nuclear fallout, and the world devastations, we cannot make a reliable estimate of the rescue date.

Therefore, I am of the opinion that the elect will be rescued some time before the holocaust, but after they have made decisions to flee to islands of safety. The decision to flee shows where their hearts are, and their devotion to God.

The reality of this possibility of rescue is described to us in very specific terms.

P.582 - §3 While there is this dematerializing technique for preparing the Adams for transit from Jerusem to the evolutionary worlds, there is no equivalent method for taking them away from such worlds unless the entire planet is to be emptied, in which event emergency installation of the dematerialization technique is made for the entire salvable population. If some physical catastrophe should doom the planetary residence of an evolving race, the Melchizedeks and the Life Carriers would install the technique of dematerialization for all survivors, and by seraphic transport these beings would be carried away to the new world prepared for their continuing existence. The evolution of a human race, once initiated on a world of space, must proceed quite independently of the physical survival of that planet, but during the evolutionary ages it is not otherwise intended that a Planetary Adam or Eve shall leave their chosen world.

The technique of dematerialization has been described to us by Betty Andreasson. It is the use of a capsule within a seraphic transport in which the material person is placed, and then surrounded by a fluid that can buffer the high intensity fields used by the seraphic transport. We know that this technique is used in both directions, from the planet to the celestial sphere, and from the celestial sphere to the planet. Otherwise Betty Andreasson and the ancient Enoch could not have been transported from and to our world. The remark by the Revelation that there is no equivalent method just does not make sense.

The statement that an "entire planet is to be emptied" also does not restrict the use of this method. Again the transport of human persons back and forth through space demonstrates vividly that the form of the Revelation statement above is not technically accurate. I can only judge that the statement was designed to provide us with the knowledge of such transactions, while giving non-believers an alternate interpretation.

A partial evacuation is a certain reality, as we know from all the revelations available to us.



Fowler, Raymond E., 1933-
The Andreasson Affair
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, c1979.

Jacobs, David Michael, 1942-
Secret Life: Firsthand Accounts of UFO Abductions
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992
The most important book on UFO abductions so far. Start here because the presentation is a just the facts, ma'am, blow by blow account of what Jacobs believes is happening. He says essential aspects of all abductions are absolutely real in ordinary perceptual and space-time reality. However, there are definite perceptual and space-time anomalies too. When people report that they had a missing time experience of two hours, Jacobs says they are actually bodily missing from planet Earth, or at least human beings cannot find them on Earth!

Budd Hopkins is a world-renowned artist, author, and pioneer UFO abduction researcher. Having investigated well over 700 cases, he now heads the Intruders Foundation, a nonprofit, scientific research and support organization. Taken together, his three books, Missing Time, 1981, Intruders, 1987, and Witnessed, 1996, are widely regarded by researchers and skeptics alike as comprising the most influential series of books yet published on the abduction phenomenon. These works, Hopkins' lectures, and his other presentations have been responsible for bringing a number of other noted researchers - David Jacobs, John Carpenter, Yvonne Smith, and John Mack, among others - into this extraordinary area of specialization.

John Mack, M.D.
Abduction: Human Encounters With Aliens
Accord, MA: Wheeler Pub., 1994.
New York: Ballantine Books, 1995.

As Mack stated: Even though over the past 25 years thousands of individuals throughout the United States and in other countries have reported abduction experiences to UFO investigators and mental health professionals, the phenomenon appears to be more widespread than anyone might have expected. The fact that a phenomenon defies conventional explanation, or even challenges our notions of reality, should not permit us to ignore its existence or prevent us from exploring its dimensions and significance. I describe the basic features of the UFO abduction experience, the impact these experiences have on the abductees, and the implications of the phenomenon for our profession and society.

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