What did the Libyan leader DO to deserve such horrendous pun

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What did the Libyan leader DO to deserve such horrendous pun

Unread postby Paul Kemp » Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:05 pm

What did the Libyan leader DO to deserve such horrendous punishment?
By Deborah Mahmoudieh

Western Leaders applauded their little monsters, their CIA-trained UN-Islamic-'Terrorists'/'ZIONIST-FUNDED-MERCINARIES, for the 'good' job they did in toppling Gadaffi - he was sodomised and dragged through the streets, he was tortured and terrorised before finally being put to death.

Western Leaders SUPPORTED this action of brutality - an atrocity spared even for Hitler's Henchmen of WW2.

ImageWhat did the Libyan leader DO to deserve such horrendous punishment?

    ImageDid he use depleted uranium on innocent Iraqi civilians he purported to be LIBERATING?

    ImageDid he like Israel & USA, use phosphoropus bombs on innocent civilians?

    ImageDid he employ Agent Orange in Vietnam?

    ImageDid he ignore INTERNAL TYRANNY in his own Nation and let the deaths of the victims of 9/11 be blamed on INNOCENT parties in order to justify war against those innocent parties?

    ImageDid he help organise a Coup against a democratically elected Chillian Government on 9/11/1973, in favour of installing a terrorist regime who set about murdering the opposition and even a USA journalist, for sake of securing the exploitative economic interests of their global corporations?

    ImageDid he persecute the poor of his nation by denying them rights to a home, a livelihood and a voice?

    ImageDid he organise the false-flag event of Pearl Harbour to justify dropping two nuclear bombs on Japan in order to EXPERIMENT & TEST his new weapons on living people?

    ImageDid he organise a coup against the democratically elected President of Venezuela = CHAVEZ and then, when the coup failed, infect him with terminal cancer?

    ImageDid he use his financial institutions to ROB EVERY Nation on the Planet and force every nation into debt-slavery and AUSTERITY?

    ImageDid he deny income to the poorest of his people and force them to die prematurely through suicide & worsening of illness?

    ImageDid he evict thousands of Chagos islanders from their PARADISE homelands in the 1970's, into ABJECT POVERTY, so he could LEASE their lands to the USA military?

    ImageDid he then, overturn a RECENT UK High Court Ruling granting the Chagos Islanders their LEGAL RIGHT to return home?

    ImageDid he build nuclear power stations across our planet and pollute our earth, air & seas with Plutonium, uranium, strontium 90 and a host of other DEADLY radioactive particles?

    ImageDid HIS World Bank fund corporations that are responsible for death of the Mexican Gulf & our Pacific Ocean?

    ImageDid he ban HEMP?

    ImageDid he develop deadly GMO's and chemical ferilisers?

    ImageDid he wish to FRACK his lands and risk contamination of water supplies & cause earthquakes?

    ImageDid he systematically DESTROY UK & USA jobs, services & industry in favour of empowering a set of SLAVE-DRIVERS in their sweat-shop factories in CHINA?

    ImageDid he illegally invade Nations that were no threat to him and bring RUIN to those nations?

    ImageDid he support 'Islamic' TERRORISTS?

The answer to ALL these questions is NO.

Think on World Leaders - AS YET GIVE SO SHALL YE RECEIVE.
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