Top U.S. Terrorist Group: the FBI

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Top U.S. Terrorist Group: the FBI

Unread postby Paul Kemp » Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:32 pm

Top U.S. Terrorist Group: the FBI
By David Swanson
Global Research, February 23, 2013
War is a crime
Regon: USA
Theme: Police State & Civil Rights


A careful study of the FBI’s own data on terrorism in the United States, reported in Trevor Aaronson’s book The Terror Factory,finds one organization leading all others in creating terrorist plots in the United States: the FBI.Imagine an incompetent bureaucrat. Now imagine a corrupt one. Now imagine both combined. You’re starting to get at the image I take away of some of the FBI agents’ actions recounted in this book.
Now imagine someone both dumb enough to be manipulated by one of those bureaucrats and hopelessly criminal, often sociopathic, and generally at the mercy of the criminal or immigration courts. Now you’re down to the level of the FBI informant, of which we the Sacred-Taxpayers-Who-Shall-Defund-Our-Own-Retirement employ some 15,000 now, dramatically more than ever before. And we pay them very well.

Then try to picture someone so naive, incompetent, desperate, out-of-place, or deranged as to be manipulable by an FBI informant. Now you’re at the level of the evil terrorist masterminds out to blow up our skyscrapers.

Well, not really. They’re actually almost entirely bumbling morons who couldn’t tie their own shoes or buy the laces without FBI instigation and support. The FBI plants the ideas, makes the plans, provides the fake weapons and money, creates the attempted act of terrorism, makes an arrest, and announces the salvation of the nation.

Over and over again. The procedure has become so regular that intended marks have spotted the sting being worked on them simply by googling the name or phone number of the bozo pretending to recruit them into the terrorist brotherhood, and discovering that he’s a serial informant.

Between 911 and August, 2011, the U.S. government prosecuted 508 people for terrorism in the United States. 243 had been targeted using an FBI informant. 158 had been caught in an FBI terrorism sting. 49 (that we know of, FBI recording devices have completely unbelievable patterns of “malfunctioning”) had encountered an agent provocateur. Most of the rest charged with “terrorism” had little or nothing to do with terrorism at all, most of them charged with more minor offenses like immigration offenses or making false statements. Three or four people out of the whole list appear to be men whom one would reasonably call terrorists in the commonly accepted sense of the word. They intended to and had something at least approaching the capacity to engage in acts of terrorism.

These figures are not far off the percentages of Guantanamo prisoners or drone strike victims believed to be guilty of anything resembling what they’ve been accused of. So, we shouldn’t single out the FBI for criticism. But it should receive its share.

Here’s how U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon understood a case that seems all too typical:

    “The essence of what occurred here is that a government, understandably zealous to protect its citizens from terrorism, came upon a man both bigoted and suggestible, one who was incapable of committing an act of terrorism on his own. It created acts of terrorism out of his fantasies of bravado and bigotry, and then made those fantasies come true. . . . I suspect that real terrorists would not have bothered themselves with a person who was so utterly inept.”

When we hear on television that the FBI has prevented a plot to blow up a crowded area of a big U.S. city, we either grow terrified and grateful, or we wait for the inevitable revelation that the FBI created the plot from start to finish, manipulating some poor fool who had zero contact with foreign terrorists and more often than not participated unwittingly or for the money offered him. But even those of us who do the latter might find Aaronson’s survey of this phenomenon stunning.

During some of its heretofore darkest days the FBI didn’t use informants like it does now. J. Edgar Hoover’s informants just observed and reported. They didn’t instigate. That practice took off during the war on drugs in the 1980s. But the assumption that a drug dealer might have done the same thing without the FBI’s sting operation is backed up by some statistics. There is no evidence to back up the idea that the unemployed grocery bagger and video game player who sees visions, has never heard of major Islamic terrorist groups, can’t purchase a gun with thousands of dollars in cash and instructions on how to purchase a gun, understands terrorism entirely from the insights of Hollywood movies, and who has no relevant skills or resources, is going to blow up a building without help from the FBI.

(Which came first, the FBI’s terror factory or Hollywood’s is a moot question now that they feed off each other so well.)

Read this book, I’m telling you, we’re looking at people who’ve been locked away for decades who couldn’t have found their ass with two hands and a map. These cases more than anything else resemble those of mentally challenged innocent men sitting on death rows because they tried to please the police officer asking them to confess to a crime they clearly knew nothing about.

Of course the press conferences announcing the convictions of drug dealers and “terrorists” are equally successful. They also equally announce an ongoing campaign doomed to failure. The campaign for “terrorists” developed under President George W. Bush and expanded, like so much else, under President Barack Obama.

Aaronson spoke with J. Stephen Tidwell, former executive assistant director at the FBI. Tidwell argued that someone thinking about the general idea of committing crimes should be set up and then prosecuted, because as long as they’re not in prison the possibility exists that someone other than the FBI could encourage them to, and assist them in, actually committing a crime. “You and I could sit here, go online, and by tonight have a decent bomb built. What do you do? Wait for him to figure it out himself?”

The answer, based on extensive data, is quite clearly that he will not figure it out himself and act on it. That the FBI has stopped 3 acts of terrorism is believable. But that the FBI has stopped 508 and there wasn’t a 509th is just not possible. The explanation is that there haven’t been 509 or even 243. The FBI has manufactured terrorist plots by the dozens, including most of the best known ones. (And if you watched John Brennan’s confirmation hearing, you know that the underwear bomber and other “attacks” not under the FBI’s jurisdiction have been no more real.)

Arthur Cummings, former executive assistant director of the FBI’s National Security Branch, told Aaronson that the enemy was not Al Qaeda or Islamic Terrorism, but the idea of it. “We’re at war with an idea,” he said. But his strategy seems to be one of consciously attempting to lose hearts and minds. For the money spent on infiltrations and stings, the U.S. government could have given every targeted community free education from preschool to college, just as it could do for every community at home and many abroad by redirecting war spending. When you’re making enemies of people rather than friends, to say that you’re working against an idea is simply to admit that you’re not targeting people based on a judicial review finding any probable cause to legally do so.

The drug war’s failure can be calculated in the presence of drugs, although the profits for prisons and other profiteers aren’t universally seen as failures. The FBI’s counterterrorism can be calculated as a failure largely because of the waste of billions of dollars on nonexistent terrorism. But there’s also the fact that the FBI’s widespread use of informants, very disproportionately in Muslim communities, has made ordinary people who might provide tips hesitant to do so for fear of being recruited as informants. Thus “counter terrorism” may make it harder to counter terrorism. It may also feed into real terrorism by further enraging people already outraged by U.S. foreign policy. But it’s no failure at all if measured by the dollars flowing into the FBI, or the dollars flowing into the pockets of informants who get paid by commission (that is, based on convictions in court of their marks). Nor do weapons makers, other war profiteers, or other backers of right wing politics in general seem to be objecting in any way to the production of widespread fear and bigotry.

Congressman Stephen Lynch has introduced a bill that would require federal law enforcement agencies to report to Congress twice a year on all serious crimes, authorized or unauthorized, committed by informants (who are often much more dangerous criminals than are those they’re informing on). The bill picked up a grand total of zero cosponsors last Congress and has reached the same mark thus far in the current one.

The corporate media cartel has seen its ratings soar with each new phony incident. Opposition to current practice does not seem to be coming from that quarter.

And let’s all be clear with each other: our society is tolerating this because the victims are Muslims. With many other minority groups we would all be leaping to their defense.

It may be time to try thinking of Muslims as Samaritans, as of course some of them are.

David Swanson’s books include “War Is A Lie.” He blogs at and and works for He hosts Talk Nation Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @davidcnswanson and FaceBook.



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Re: Top U.S. Terrorist Group: the FBI

Unread postby Paul Kemp » Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:51 pm

Documents for Your Info Arsenal
[ flash ]
Published on Oct 12, 2012 By James Corbett
There is no one-size-fits-all solution for waking people up to the New World Order matrix, but there is no shortage of information out there that can be presented to those who are skeptical of "conspiracy theories." Tonight on the program James highlights some of the startling government reports, committee findings and unclassified plans that detail in black and white some of the "conspiracies" that the skeptics would deride. Happy downloading.
Works Cited:
Document Download Links The Corbett Report
Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations
The Reece Committee: Social Science as a Tool for Control
Reece Committee Hearings
Dodd Report to the Reece Committee
Church Committee COINTELPRO report
The Taguba Report
U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba
Operation Northwoods memorandum



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Re: Top U.S. Terrorist Group: the FBI

Unread postby Paul Kemp » Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:53 pm

The Newtown School Tragedy: More than One Gunman?

Sandy Hook's Disappearing Shooter Suspects
By Prof. James F. Tracy
Global Research, December 20, 2012


It is now beyond question that the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr. all involved patsies, additional gunman and perhaps most importantly, mass media complicity to achieve their political ends. Along these lines and in a fashion now characteristic of how such public executions are framed, the observations and analyses of citizen journalists and alternative media suggest how coverage of the Newtown Connecticut school shooting was substantially altered in the several hours and days following the event.

After the 1995 Murrah Federal Building bombing central elements that would help the citizenry make sense of the event, such as unexploded ordnance found in the structure and Timothy McVeigh’s accomplice, were stricken from the official narrative. Along these lines at the probable behest of government authorities a second gunman accompanying Jared Lee Loughner in 2011 was quickly tossed down the memory hole by news outlets covering the incident. Similar reportorial lapses took place at the Aurora Colorado massacre last July where eyewitnesses attested to spotting James Holmes’ collaborators (or handlers) inside the theater.

When the news media act as willing partners in such acts the public becomes an unwitting accessory in its own psychic imprisonment, lulled into the notion that fair play still exists and public servants remain are intent on service.

“One of the most important red flags of a staged shooting is a second gunman,” health science and investigative writer Mike Adams observes,

indicating the shooting was coordinated and planned. There are often mind control elements at work in many of these shootings … James Holmes, for example, was a graduate student actually working on mind control technologies funded by the U.S. government. There were also chemical mind control elements linked to Jared Lee Loughner.[1]

Emerging Contradictions

Several independent researchers and most recently reporter Rob Dew have over the past few days pointed to evidence strongly suggesting how two additional Sandy Hook shooting suspects were apprehended by police in the minutes following 9:35AM when officers were dispatched to the elementary school.[2]

Recordings of the 911 dispatcher and first responders to the campus all but wholly corroborate initial reports of at least two persons attempting to flee from the scene, with audio evidence of law enforcement officers actually encountering the suspected assailants at around 9:40AM. Excerpts were replayed on Fox News the evening of December 14.



Dispatcher: All units: The individual that I have on the phone is continuing to hear what he believes to be gunfire.
Dispatcher: All units are responding to Sandy Hook School at this time. The shooting appears to have stopped. It is silent at this time. The school is in lockdown.
Dispatcher: I have reports that the teacher saw two shadows running past the building, past the gym, which would be rear ([inaudible] … to the shooting.
Officer: Yeah. We’ve got him … [Voice quickening] They’re coming at me [inaudible] … down the left side.[3]

In the above encounter one suspect is apparently detained by police outside the school and subsequently referenced in an Associated Press interview with a Sandy Hook student who briefly sees the detained man while being evacuated from the school building.

Unidentified student: And then the police like were knocking on the door, and they’re like, “We’re evacuating people! We’re evacuating people!” So we ran out. There’s police about at every door. They’re leading us, “Down this way. Down this way. Quick! Quick! Come on!” Then we ran down to the firehouse. There’s a man pinned down to the ground with handcuffs on. And we thought that was the victim [sic]. We really didn’t get a good glance at him because there was a car blocking it. Plus we were running really quick.[4]



Accompanying aerial footage depicts officers pursuing another suspected shooter in a wooded area outside the aforementioned gym and behind school grounds. They apprehend him and he is seen prone and surrounded by police before being escorted in front of students’ parents to a squad car, an episode recounted by one anonymous bystander interviewed on a local CBS affiliate.


Unidentified Witness: They did walk a guy out of the woods. I saw them walk a guy out earlier with handcuffs. He walked by us and said he didn’t do it.
Reporter: It was a grown man?
Witness: A grown man. Yeah, he’s sittin’ in the front of the police car over there now. So, I mean—
Reporter: He didn’t have a gun?
Witness: No, I didn’t see any gun. [They] just had him handcuffed and he walked by us and looked into the parents eyes and said, “I didn’t do it.”
Reporter: How was he dressed?
Witness: Ah, camo pants with a dark jacket.[5]

Sandy Hook Official Narrative

Such information was carefully expurgated from the official narrative presented by corporate media within hours of the massacre, a storyline Americans are painfully familiar with. Here the 20 year-old Adam Lanza is depicted front and center as the chief culprit of the killing spree. Predictably there is not the slightest reference of additional suspects in ABC News’ representative “timeline” example below.



Reporter Don Harris: 9:40AM: Reports of gunfire at Sandy Hook Elementary
Police Dispatch: “Sandy Hook School. Caller is indicating that she thinks someone is shooting in the building.”
Harris: Police say 20 year old Adam Lanza, seen here as a teenager, wore a bulletproof vest and was carrying at least three semi-automatic weapons, including a rifle.
Alexis Wasik, 8 year old: “Everybody was a little scared crying and I felt, actually, a little sick.”
Harris: Within five to ten minutes the first SWAT teams arrived.
Police Officer: “I need units in the school. I got bodies here.”
Harris: Officers helped to lead several hundred students to a nearby fire station.
[By this time Connecticut law enforcement had apprehended the additional two shootings suspects.]
Ben Paley [student]: “When the policemen came in to get us he told us to close our eyes and—like on the picture on the news—do this [demonstrates hands-on-shoulder position with other child] and run.”
Harris: At 10:30AM President Obama was briefed on the situation while police discovered a second crime scene. The shooter’s mother, Nancy Lanza, who authorities believed may have worked at Sandy Hook at some point, was found dead. Police say Adam Lanza shot her before he stormed the school.[6]

Empowering Myths and Media Manipulation

As the lessons of 9/11 impart, when public knowledge of such horrific events is so woefully deficient the nation’s recollections become the fodder for empowering myths dangerously removed from reality. Devoid of information and effective means for political expression the masses are cajoled to exercise faith and hope in empty promises and an system providing the semblance of empathy, hope and change. Under such circumstances violent calamity, appropriately propagandized by mass media, often provides ample public distraction for decisive political maneuvering.

Journalists capable of exercising a modest degree of autonomy and personal insight would have clearly recognized such leads, thereby extending them to a more rigorous examination of law enforcement spokespersons and the broader Newtown community. Instead, the news media once again wholly abdicated any such responsibility to serve the public by unquestioningly parroting official pronouncements and carefully instructing their audiences on exactly how to interpret the event.

“The anchors are the priests at the funeral before the funeral happens,” journalist Jon Rappoport notes. “They set the stage. They convey to the public the meaning and atmosphere and essence of the whole event. And having done that, there is simply no room for anything that would intrude on this sepulchral mood.”[7]

Behind the meticulously crafted façade a deep vagueness and sorrow remains that cannot be wholly explained away by the made-for-television storyline of an awkward and lagging young man who inexplicably murders his mother, destroys his computer hard drive, gains access to a supposedly high security facility and proficiently executes 26 individuals within minutes. Yet only in an age of almost universal deceit is the public asked to accept such without further inquiry and comment. All the while amidst mass grieving political leaders and public figures showboat their legislative priorities. It is difficult to imagine a more profound marker of an utterly decrepit politics and civil society than the shallow and unquestioning media that churns out a monochromatic worldview while giving adherents the insidious impression of being informed.



[1] Mike Adams, “Newtown School Shooting Already Being Changed by the Media to Eliminate Eyewitness Reports of a Second Shooter,” Natural News, December 16, 2012.

[2] Rob Dew, “Evidence of 2nd and 3rd Shooter at Sandy Hook,” Infowars Nightly News, December 18, 2012, A more detailed yet less polished analysis was developed by citizen journalist Idahopicker, “Sandy Hook Elem: 3 Shooters,” December 16, 2012.

[3] Fox News, “911 Call Dispatch Audio Reveals Police Response to Sandy Hook School Shooting,” December 14, 2012,

[4] Associated Press [difficulties with url below], “Raw: Student Describes Scene at School Shooting,” December 14, 2012, ... attQ_76dK9

[5] CBS News, “Sandy Hook Elem: Two or More Shooters,” December 14, 2012,

[6] ABC News, “Newtown Connecticut Shooting: Timeline of Events at Sandy Hook Elementary,” December 15, 2012,

[7] Jon Rappoport, “Lanza, Bloomberg, Obama, Guns, Psychiatric Meds, and Mass Hypnosis: The TV Script,”, December 15, 2012.


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Re: Top U.S. Terrorist Group: the FBI

Unread postby Paul Kemp » Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:56 am

Four Days after Sandy Hook Tragedy: Live Shooter Drill Hoax in East Harlem, on Nation’s “Most Vulnerable” School Children
By James F. Tracy
Global Research, February 03, 2013
Theme: Media Disinformation , Police State & Civil Rights

ImageOn the morning of December 18, 2012 administrators at New York City Public School 79 (the Horan School) in East Harlem conducted an entirely unannounced “active shooter drill.” The event, which took place just four days after the high profile Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown Connecticut, terrified the school’s 300 special needs adolescent and young adult students and the 100 teaching and counseling staff members. Ranging in age from 12 to 21, Horan’s largely Hispanic student body contends with an array of mental and emotional disabilities, including autism and cerebral palsy.

Coming less than one week after the Sandy Hook tragedy, the Horan School hoax drill has left many students and staff members severely traumatized and seeking accountability from administrators. With the exception of a pithy article in the New York Times[1] and a subsequent piece in the online opinion outlet Daily Kos,[2] the story has been exempted from the news cycle in the wake of the exhaustive yet often baffling coverage of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. As New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg busied himself with calls for tightened gun control measures, no press conferences were held to either condemn the public school’s management or further scrutinize the rationales behind such drills.

“The lockdown drill began about 10 a.m. on Tuesday,” the Times reports,

    with a woman’s voice on the school’s loudspeaker saying, “’Shooter,’ or ‘intruder,’ and ‘get out, get out, lockdown,’” said [a] staff member, who added that it seemed so realistic that it was hard to tell if the woman speaking was actually talking to a gunman or to teachers and students throughout the school.[3], an advocacy organization of Horan School’s teachers, parents, community members and concerned professionals, has been established to demand accountability from the P.S. 79 administrators who planned the event. “Due to age. race, income, language, immigration, geography, and disability,” Horanwatch states, “the public school kids of New York City’s PS 79 are the most vulnerable in the nation.” The affiliation notes that Horan teachers and staff have been retaliated against and warned by administration not to speak publicly about the event.[4]

The group’s account is more detailed and contrasts with the Times’ fleeting glimpse of the incident. calls the event an “intricate hoax,” with news of the phantom shooter circulated “in the most dramatic way possible through every intercom in the building, ‘Shooter/Intruder in the building, oh my God!”

Staff and students were then whipsawed through “contrary messages of ‘Get out’ and ‘Lock down.’” As the school’s occupants “fell to the floor shaking, in prayer, or with their bodies in order to cover immobile students and friends,” some even phoned loved ones to utter what might be a final goodbye. While students crouched in fear Horan administrators reportedly sent security officers into the hallways to push against classroom doors as terrified teachers struggled to keep the doors shut.[5]

The questions remains: Why would major news media virtually censor an event where hundreds of especially helpless individuals were needlessly terrorized by supervisors who took it upon themselves to create an “active shooter” scenario? Where were the convoys of satellite trucks and slick broadcast journalists interviewing the traumatized victims? Why weren’t cable news talk shows abuzz with pundits decrying the needless drill and defending the underprivileged children and teachers?

ImageThe simple answers are that 1) Horan’s students are poor disabled minorities—a constituency that is politically powerless, and, 2) no one was injured or killed. These are both plausible explanations for the media blackout. Still, such an event being played up in the immediate wake of the December 14 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting may have also prompted large swaths of a grieving nation to more critically reflect on both the news media’s often confusing and contradictory representation of the tragedy and America’s growing police state.

Alongside a dearth of publicly available evidence and an ensuing investigation into Sandy Hook that authorities maintain was carried out by a single estranged young man, the Obama administration and its Congressional allies have proceeded to move forward on far-reaching gun control and mental health-related diktats and legislation as if the investigation itself was entirely consistent and transparent.

While Harlan exemplifies the undue excesses of domestic security measures, the Sandy Hook massacre has provided the pretext for increased statist measures with the express goal of heightened safety and security. Public schools do require safety measures to contend with dangerous situations and episodes. Yet imposing terrifying manufactured events such as “live shooter drills” on society’s most vulnerable members—our children—points to an intensifying police state in America where fear vis-à-vis militarized surveillance and control are being gradually instituted under the guise of “safety” to reconstitute normal forms of expectation and existence.



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